Enrollment in the Suzuki Violin/Cello/Guitar Program is not a “payment per service” arrangement, but rather a tuition based business. Enrollment in music lessons is a purchase of a teacher’s services and a reservation of the teacher’s time. Tuition entitles a student to school membership and weekly lessons. Your child’s lesson time is reserved for him/her; since the time passes whether a student uses it or not, a lesson missed is time and money lost. The full semester fee is to be paid whether or not the student attends all lessons; lessons missed by the student for any reason will not be made-up nor tuition refunded. School Fees for rental space for your child’s time are non refundable. Notification of inability to attend a lesson is appreciated, but does not excuse payment for contracted lessons.
Enrollment must be made for each entire semester. Tuition is based upon each semester-the Fall being 15 weeks and Spring being 20 weeks. Families will be given invoices in August/September for Fall and December for the Winter Semester, March for the Spring Semester and payment will be due before Winter and Spring Break. Full Semester payment is required. Students beginning lessons after the beginning of the year will be charged from the date of their first lesson.
Your child’s music education is important and regular attendance needs to be a priority.
It is not possible to schedule make-up lessons when a student misses a lesson for any reason including illness or prearranged vacation. Lessons missed by the teacher at any time for any reason will be made-up at a mutually convenient time for the student and the teacher, or a credit for the lesson will be given on the next semester’s tuition.
We will be using the Teton County school calendar in conjunction with providing my own studio calendar to you prior to the beginning of each semester.
If a student arrives late for a lesson, the student will receive instruction for the remainder of the scheduled lesson only.
For young musicians, participation in group lessons is an essential part of the student’s development. You and your child will be required to participate every week with their group placement on Thursday's during the calendar year. This is part of the SUZUKI PROGRAM nationally. Please make every effort to attend these wonderful opportunities for your children to enjoy music with others.
Group lessons are included in the tuition for the Suzuki Program.
The Suzuki Violin/Cello/Piano Program reserves the right to discontinue any student who does not exhibit sufficient interest to progress.
In the event of irregular attendance, repeated failure to prepare assigned material, or inappropriate behavior during the lessons, We must reserve the right to terminate lessons. A one-month trial period following a parent conference will precede termination of lessons. If you elect to end lessons, a two-week notice must be given. TUITION IS NON-REFUNDABLE. All classes are based upon each semester attendance. We only have limited spots and do have to turn people away.
Please understand that we grow very attached to your children and would like to have an opportunity to end well with them. One of the ways we teach respect, responsibility, and follow-through is to teach our children how to end well.
The Suzuki Violin/Cello/Guitar Program holds two recitals annually. The first recital is always before holiday break in December to showcase the children’s achievements for that semester. They will be performing in group as well as a solo recital piece. The second recital is held in June prior to the release of school for the summer. Please refer to the registration page for dates for these upcoming events. Please mark your calendar as these are MANDATORY events for MusicLand students.
During the summer semester (June-July-August), We teach a 9 week program from our studio at the Center for the Arts. Group lessons are offered weekly to beginners and students in grades Pre-K-6. We encourage all students in grades 7-12 to participate in the JH Youth Orchestra/GTMF program during the summer. The students will be billed according to their current group class and the nine week lesson policy.
Study during the summer is crucial for the student to continue their progress and maintain their abilities. Information regarding the scheduling of summer lessons will be distributed in May each year. In order to allow greater flexibility during the summer months, in order to accommodate summer activities and family vacations, all lessons will be scheduled by appointment only. Your child will have their day and time as similar during school. Please check your vacation calendars and plan accordingly.
Summer registration will begin in April 15 and full payment for Summer tuition is due by May 23rd.
Fall School Registration: MID AUGUST. Monthly Payment or Semester in full payment to reserve your spot.
Fall Semester Tuition Due: Week of August 25.
Classes Start: September after Labor Day.
No Classes: Thanksgiving Break, Holiday/Xmas Break, Spring Break. Please refer to the TCSD calendar. October 24-November 1st 2025-Germany IMTEX Violin Teacher’s Conference.
Recital: December at St. John’s Episcopal Church
Winter School Registration: New Student Signups in Mid-December
Winter/Spring Tuition Due: Before December holiday break to hold your spot.
Spring Recital: May 31, 2025
Summer Registration: Starting March 15. New Students and continuing.
Summer Tuition Due: May 23: for entire summer. 9 week lesson minimum.
Group classes will be held on Thursdays. Twinklers/Book 1-2 weekly.
Private lessons will be scheduled from 1-7pm, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays.